Star Wars, wow. You're how old now? Oh yeah - the older you are, the older I am. Nevermind.
A few people knew I
had to write something today. Especially since I did make reference to it on the
"unofficial" Star Wars Day, as I deemed it.
Some wondered what amazing thing I could bring to the table which would blow the minds of fans, geeks, G-to-the-L haters, and even film or tech aficionados. I know the last thing(s) to blow me away were the "home movies" inside
an Academy Award-winning commune the dirty couches, poor lighting, and plethrora of facial hair which went on to become the ILM we all know and love [or as I would say,
they put the ILM in film™]. For those who never saw this footage,
here's some love.
Star Wars has a lot of names, abbreviations, and in-the-know jargon. Today I'm talking about SW:ANH, I mean A New Hope - er, episode IV, um...
4 four.
Old school 1977 Star Wars (which I shall further call "Star Wars" to ease confusion).
I'm not going to call myself a hater, a purist, a convert. I loved Star Wars as a whole and I still do. I choose what I like and often my opinion can change. Let's set out to have an open mind - possibly unlearning, and
rethinking spoon(s).
People have been complaining about Star Wars being changed and different. Sure you have a laserdisc copy which is this and that, or you have this or that remix and you know what the original was. Do you? What if I was too tell you there there is another. One which actually gets hunted down by the real-life version of
Emo Anakin Vader's posse of Force-user extinguishers? It's out there. And its initials are IB. Still curious? Keep reading...