And that's about all I have to say about the Disney purchase.


Happy (I)B-Day, Star Wars

Star Wars, wow. You're how old now? Oh yeah - the older you are, the older I am. Nevermind. A few people knew I had to write something today. Especially since I did make reference to it on the "unofficial" Star Wars Day, as I deemed it. Some wondered what amazing thing I could bring to the table which would blow the minds of fans, geeks, G-to-the-L haters, and even film or tech aficionados. I know the last thing(s) to blow me away were the "home movies" inside an Academy Award-winning commune the dirty couches, poor lighting, and plethrora of facial hair which went on to become the ILM we all know and love [or as I would say, they put the ILM in film™]. For those who never saw this footage, here's some love. Star Wars has a lot of names, abbreviations, and in-the-know jargon. Today I'm talking about SW:ANH, I mean A New Hope - er, episode IV, um... 4 four. Old school 1977 Star Wars (which I shall further call "Star Wars" to ease confusion). I'm not going to call myself a hater, a purist, a convert. I loved Star Wars as a whole and I still do. I choose what I like and often my opinion can change. Let's set out to have an open mind - possibly unlearning, and rethinking spoon(s). People have been complaining about Star Wars being changed and different. Sure you have a laserdisc copy which is this and that, or you have this or that remix and you know what the original was. Do you? What if I was too tell you there there is another. One which actually gets hunted down by the real-life version of Emo Anakin Vader's posse of Force-user extinguishers? It's out there. And its initials are IB. Still curious? Keep reading...


Happy Mother's Day

In addition to echoing The Pietà, I like how this image "returns the favor" so to speak; when Anakin last spoke with his mom. Her coming back to offer comfort while he's stranded on Mustafar speaks volumes - especially considering the depths this boy from Tatooine plummeted by this point. That goes to show why so many cards get purchased around this time in May.

Don't forget to pause a bit to think of at least one time mom was there for you - especially a time when it seemed nobody else was.

I came across this image when seeking out some Star Wars propoganda poster art. Joe Corroney is a talented artist; doing work for a variety of licenses including Doctor Who; Marvel; Star Trek; 24; True Blood. See lots more here.

Click the image above or here if you want the full color version. For the larger black and white sketch, click here. Added note: the original art for the color version is available for $600. How's that for a Mother's Day card?


Happy Star Wars Day!

Punch it, Chewie!

May the Fourth be with you!

Enjoy the day. Catch a cool fanfilm - or Episode IV of course.  You could even hop around on here and see if you catch anything new.  Just avoid Imperial entanglements; unless you're into that kind of thing.


What the Fett? "Boba Fett is Dead"

So Boba Fett is dead according to the title.  And we all know a comic book doesn't lie, right?

According to an article I read on ign:
"Boba Fett is in five panels of this book, and in every one he's lying flat on his back."
Continuing some of what Poet Mase wrote...
"To the Connor Freeman fans: Boba's sort-of-related-but-not-really cousin sets out on a violence-filled quest to find out who attacked Fett and why. Does that mean that this book is a bait-and-switch that Boba Fett fans will end up disliking? Not necessarily."
 Read the full article here.

Star Wars: Blood Ties - Boba Fett is Dead

  • Company: Dark Horse
  • Genre: Sci-Fi Comic
  • Lifespan: April 2012 - July 2012


That's Sith, Baby...

Now that's a returning Maul appearance I can get behind!  Click the image to see all its Sith Brisk glory.  [WARNING: pic is close to the size of emo-Anakin's ego.]

I found this in an article entitled The Funny Dump: Mystery Edition; which has other pics related to gamer/geek culture.  They're non-Lucasy, so not here.