How "Long Ago" Were Events?

[Overthinking and skewing logic abound in the post below.  Your childhood mythos may also shatter.  Read with caution.]

You know those poindexters, comic book store clientele, or sauced jerks who like to ask, "How 'Long Ago' was Star Wars really?"  Some 'boys in the lab' types have been working on that problem, by way of Keith Veronese.  1813 the year may be...but for what? 

I won't go into all the details, but if you like rabbit holes durni warrens, then this is one to dive into.  Despite what my opinion is of it all, this is a very interesting article and journey.  Besides...I was supposed to have died in the Empire's 'extinction level event'...but I still hand-sample and toss glowjuice traps.

If you just want a picture to show you everything, here is the spoiler you seek...  But you'll have to click on the below image to get the monstro version.  I suggest reading the whole article here:

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