Rebel recruitment posters

 Unite Behind The Force

Some amazing artwork that had to be shown off.  These amazing propaganda posters were created by Joe Corroney.  To see them all (and bigger versions), here is the link:
 For an added bonus: here is a link to some of the artist's wallpaper downloads - mostly Star Wars.

At last look, two were for sale at $200 each.  That seems like a steal for the originals. 


Building a better saber (IRL-ish)

How to meticulously make a lightsaber out of spare parts
The pic is actually from a person who has been working on making his own sabers and sharing the steps to the public.  
"The lightsabers in the step-by-step builds will be similar to the hasbro Force FX sabers, but brighter, louder, and more accurate to the films. Meaning, where I can, I will use the same vintage parts used in the movies,or replicas machined as close as possible.This site will feature documentation of the build process, tips and tricks."
 Still curious?  Of course you are!

To learn all about this saber, check the link:

There are way more on the main site at:



Samurai Wars

Hopefully the picture got enough attention or the "What the-?" face like I had.  I stumbled upon this while reading an article about how to make a more authentic lighstaber (I'll post that next time).

The story is as follows...
"Samurai Wars is a line of custom figures that imagines what a Star Wars movie directed by Akira Kurosawa would look like.  George Lucas has said what a fan he is a Kurosawa and also the influence that Kurosawa's "The Hidden Fortress"  had on Star Wars."
The site is really something amazing.  The above pic is Ben, Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie, R2, and 3P0.  If you visit the site itself there is not only Vader and a stormtrooper, but even Boba Fett.

What are you waiting for?