Star Wars, wow. You're how old now? Oh yeah - the older you are, the older I am. Nevermind. A few people knew I had to write something today. Especially since I did make reference to it on the "unofficial" Star Wars Day, as I deemed it. Some wondered what amazing thing I could bring to the table which would blow the minds of fans, geeks, G-to-the-L haters, and even film or tech aficionados. I know the last thing(s) to blow me away were the "home movies" inside
The article I'm pulling most of my info from is amazing and I shall link it at the end. I knew that Technicolor had many ways to process motion picture film, but the "best" one in the long term was something I was never aware of: the Technicolor Imbibing (IB) process. Most versions of film prints we know of are ran through photosensitive chemicals - kind of like when you see those "dark room" red light scenes in shows when some secret photos are being developed. The IB process differs since it basically dyes the film rather than leaving it up to a photochemical reaction. What's the big whoop? Remember all of those movies in school that would have all of its color fade out and get all pink or look like mud and sand were the only two colors of the movie? The same happens to a lot of older tv shows (or old family films) transferred over to DVD. It's plain yucky. The same thing happened to around 99% of the surviving prints of Star Wars. What about the rest? They used the IB process. So once again, why does it matter for a "hardcore" fan, curious onlooker, or parents concerned with what order to introduce their children to the movies? "From a certain point of view," you never saw Star Wars. You have all the versions. You have the laserdisc "blue lettered" copy?

Here is a passage from the reference article:
That image comparison certainly intrigues me. Remember, the image isn't a new version on DVD or BluRay. That image isn't the product of Photoshop or a Digital Intermediate correction. That is a frame of film from 1977. As Jackie Brown likes to say when putting a cherry on top, "Booh-yah!" For those who wonder why the bottom version mentions a theater, here's a quick version (of which the article expounds):"The R2 canyon scene with the Jawas is supposed to be dusk. There was some debate about this since earlier home videos had the scene in bright day, as it was filmed. In 1993, it was re-timed to be dim and sunset-tinted, which was then greatly embellished in the Special Edition. It was reported that the earlier video versions were mis-timed. While the 1993 telecine might seem to exaggerate the sunset hue a bit, the scene in 1977 is definitely as dark as it is in current versions. There is a tiny green shift in the I.B. print, indicating it is actually slightly warmer."
"Baltimore's historic Senator Theatre was getting ready to close down after financial troubles, to be transfered to new managers, and owner Tom Kiefaber wanted to send it off in style. His family had owned the theatre for 71 years, and in that time had made a few connections. On the last day of operations, July 21, 2010, amid some moderate media coverage (including ABC news), Kiefaber decided to hold free screenings of Star Wars to a packed house--and not just the original version. He knew of a privately owned Technicolor print."So what does this mean? Is this just to make fun of the 99%+ people who never heard or saw an IB print? Not quite. There is a person who may help: Harmy. Who? He wasn't a member of Lucasfilm or ILM. Rather, a guy living in the Czech Republic who merely wanted to de-speckle Star Wars and then it kept on turning into a bigger and bigger project; turning into the "Despecialized Edition" - meaning taking the Special Edition movies and returning them the way they originally were. Here's an example:

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